

Visit our current exhibition at the weekends between 2 pm to 6 pm.
New exhibition at the Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle

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Visit the website of Galerie Böhner

Closing of exhibition
Come join us at the closing of the exhibition "Traumlandschaften" (Dreamscapes) on 9 June 2024. The artists will be present.

Visit the exhibition "Traumlandschaften" (Dreamscapes) at the weekends between 2 pm to 6 pm.

Current exhibition
The current exhibition "Traumlandschaften" (Dreamscapes) runs until 9 June 2024.

Lecture* at the Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle

"Paul Klee - Colours - Forms - Fantasy"
With Yvonne Weber, art historian
Monday, 29 April 2024 / 7 pm (doors open at 6.30 pm)
Admission is free. Advance booking is requested.
*Please note that the lecture will be held in German.
Paul Klee - Colours - Forms - Fantasy
When the painter Paul Klee embarked on his famous journey to Tunis in 1914, he had long since astonished the art world with works that defied any stylistic categorisation. He simply could not be categorised. And that is precisely what makes this painter, who was born in Switzerland in 1879, so interesting and exciting. Follow in the footsteps of an artist who created a very unique style. His combinations of colours, shapes, surfaces and lines continue to amaze even more than 80 years after his death... You are welcome to join in the amazement - we look forward to seeing you. 

Exhibition opening
Join us at the Kunstraum on 23 April for the opening of the new exhibition.
Running time: The exhibition runs from 23 April to 9 June 2024.
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Impressions of the author reading "BEST OF NORA NOE" (11 April 2024) 

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Current exhibition at the Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle
Visit our current exhibition "Unendliche Farbwelten" / "Infinite worlds of colour" until 14 April 2024.
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 "Best of Nora Noé" - Author reading at the Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle on 11 April 2024
Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle, 11 April 2024, 7 pm (admission from 6.30 pm)
Please book in advance to reserve a seat. Admission is free. We would be pleased to receive a voluntary donation in favour of the Gerdi Gutperle Foundation.

Exhibition "Unendliche Farbwelten" / "Infinite worlds of colour"
Feat. Theo Schneickert and Andrea Langensiepen
Visit our current exhibition "Infinite worlds of colour". We are open at the weekends (Fri - Sun, 2 - 6 pm). 
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Exhibition opening!
Join us at the Kunstraum on 12 March for the opening of the new exhibition.

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New exhibition

"Unendliche Farbwelten" (Infinite worlds of colour)
Artists: Theo Schneickert, Andrea Langensiepen
Exhibition running time: 12 March - 14 April 2024
Opening: 12 March 2024 / 7 pm

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Final opportunity to view Gerdi Gutperle's annual exhibition!
Come visit us at the Kunstraum to view Gerdi Gutperle's annual exhibition before we temporarily close to set up the new exhibition "UNENDLICHE FARBWELTEN", featuring the artists Theo Schneickert and Andrea Langensiepen.
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Lecture on "Loriot"*
by Yvonne Weber, M.A.
23 January 2024, 7 pm
Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle

* Please note that the lecture will be held in German.

On Tuesday, 23 January 2024 at the Gerdi Gutperle Art Room, you can learn about the humourist and illustrator LORIOT, who could have celebrated his 100th birthday last year. To mark the occasion there have been numerous exhibitions and documentaries - and now this lecture about the master of subtle, enigmatic humour. It's exciting what there is to discover, including cartoon series in newspapers, Wum and Wendelin, pictures from his sketches and films - and snippets from his private life. Many of his remarks are now cultural heritage, because everyone knows: "There used to be more tinsel!" ... but some of the information might still elicit an astonished "Oh my!". Find out more about the artist who died in 2011 and who once arrived on the stage of life as Vicco von Bülow on 23 January. The lecture starts at 7 pm. To register, please contact us until 22 January 2024. Admission is free. We would be happy to receive a voluntary donation for the Gerdi Gutperle Foundation.

Annual exhibition by Gerdi Gutperle
Come visit us at the art room to see Gerdi Gutperle's annual exhibition. We are looking forward to your visit. Our opening times are as follows: Friday - Sunday, 2 pm - 6 pm.


Annual Exhibition - Gerdi Gutperle
Visit Gerdi Gutperle's annual exhibition "Nothing Is Lost". We are open on the weekends (Friday to Sunday / 2.00 - 6.00 pm).

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Annual Exhibition - Gerdi Gutperle 
Visit Gerdi Gutperle's annual exhibition "Nothing Is Lost" in the pre-Christmas season. We are open on the weekends (Friday to Sunday / 2.00 - 6.00 pm).
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Current exhibition
Visit Gerdi Gutperle's annual exhibition "Nothing Is Lost". We are open on the weekends (Friday to Sunday / 2 to 6 pm).

Annual Exhibition by Gerdi Gutperle
"Nichts Geht Verloren" / "Nothing Is Lost"
gg jahresausstellung neue werke
Visit Gerdi Gutperle's new annual exhibition "Nothing Is Lost" at the Kunstraum. We are open on the weekends (Friday to Sunday / 2 to 6 pm).

Annual Exhibition Gerdi Gutperle 2023: View the exhibition video on YouTube! Click here.

Free art talk on German artist Cornelia Schleime
27 September 2023 / 7 pm / Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle
With art historian Yvonne Weber / www.killefit-handgemacht.de
 Please sing up in advance. Thank you very much.

Grand Annual Exhibition Gerdi Gutperle
The exhibition is now up and running!

jahresausstellung GG 2023 vernissage

Come visit us at the Kunstraum in Viernheim. We are open from Friday to Sunday (2 pm to 6 pm). For visits outside opening hours, please contact us in advance.

Grand Annual Exhibition Gerdi Gutperle "Nothing Is Lost"
Opening 19 September 2023 / 7 pm / Kunstraum
Join us at Kunstraum for the opening of Gerdi Gutperle's annual exhibition on the 19th of September (7pm).

New exhibition
Annual exhibition Gerdi Gutperle
Join us at the Art Room on the 19th of September (7pm) for the opening of Gerdi Gutperle's annual exhibition.

The current exhibition will be running until 3 September 2023. Come visit us at the Kunstraum.

Come visit our current exhibition "JAPANESE ARTISTS AND FRIENDS 2023" at the Kunstraum in Viernheim. We are open from Friday to Sunday (2 pm to 6 pm). For visits outside opening hours, please contact us in advance.

The exhibition is up and running! 
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New exhibition 
24 June 2023 - 3 September 2023
einladung artists and friedns 2023

Current exhibition 
The current exhibition will be running until 19 June 2023. Come visit us at the Kunstraum. We are open at weekends.

Gerdi Gutperle at the "art Karslruhe"!
Watch the video on YouTube

Free art talk on Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec!
Tuesday, 9 May / 7 pm / Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle
With art historian Yvonne Weber / www.killefit-handgemacht.de
Please sing up in advance. Thank you very much.
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Gerdi Gutperle at the "art Karlsruhe"!
art karlsruhe 2023 galerie boehner
Find more impressions on FACEBOOK.

The exhibition is now up and running. We are looking forward to your visit!
Why not check out our Facebook page for more photos and updates?

New exhibition
19 April - 19 June 2023
Opening: 19 April / 7 pm
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Gerdi Gutperle at the "art 3f Strasbourg"!

Snapshots - Art talk on Auguste Rodin -
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Press (in German)

Art talk on Auguste Rodin at the ArtRoom Gerdi Gutperle 
auguste rodin vortrag 2023
9 March 2023 / 7 pm / 5€ admission / ArtRoom
Please sign up in advance: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 06204 9145730
For more info on Yvonne Weber, please visit her website: www.killefit-handgemacht.de

Current exhibition
The exhibition MOMENTS OF METAMORPHOSIS is running until 26 March 2023. We are looking forward to your visit.

Current exhibition at the Art Room Gerdi Gutperle
Come visit our new exhibition MOMENTS OF METAMORPHOSIS. We are open on weekends from 2 pm - 6 pm. We are looking forward to your visit.


The exhibition MOMENTS OF METAMORPHOSIS is now up and running! 
We look forward to your visit. We are open on weekends from 2 pm - 6pm.
vernissage metamorphose ausstellung eroeffnet
Why not check out our Facebook page for more photos and updates?

New exhibition! Opening 24 January 2023 / 7 pm
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Final opportunity
View the grand annual exhibition by Gerdi Gutperle

The art room is open on the following weekend, Fri, 13 Jan - Sun, 15 Jan, from 2-6pm. You have the opportunity to view the annual exhibition of Gerdi Gutperle once again before we temporarily close to set up the new exhibition "MOMENTS OF METAMORPHOSIS" by photographers Beatrice Harder from Germany and Daniel Murtagh from America.